Crash Bandicoot - Cavern level

This level is very short and empty. The scenery seems to be complete, but the only interactive objects are dropping platforms.

Dropping In

Dropping In

Crash starts the level by dropping from a hole in the ceiling. This kind of thing never happens in the game, as he always starts out on the ground.

Crystal Caves

Crystal Caves

After the drop you can see this is a cavern level that is strangely similar to Crash Twinsanity's Cavern Catastrophe, right down to the dark ambient and clusters of crystals.

Acid Pool

Acid Pool

Also like Cavern Catastrophe, the level has a pool of greenish acid. There is a bridge of falling platforms that Crash can use to cross the pool. Those are used in Generator Room, a level that did make it to the commercial release. You can also notice some creepy sculptures with glowing red eyes.

Acid Shmacid

Acid Shmacid

The acid hadn't been programmed to hurt Crash yet, so he can just walk over it. Also present is a stationary "N" platform from Generator Room, as well as some dripping metal pipes.



The level ends with a crevice on the wall.

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