Crash Bash - Unused Content - General Findings
Kanga Rilla
(contributed by Hacc)The original name for Rilla Roo was Kanga Rilla. This name can still be found in the game's code.
Early Warp Room
(contributed by R. Gin)This is an early version of the Warp Room. It lacks details like the floor cement and the mini-game order is wrong too. A variant is used in the demo.
Good and Evil
Instead of the Aku Aku and Uka Uka masks, the words "GOOD" and "EVIL" are displayed in the character selection screen. The "P1" word is different too, with another font, color and without being inside a purple square.
Beyond Good and Evil
(contributed by CBFan)This screenshot is similar to the previous one, except this time not even the words "GOOD" and "EVIL" are there. The icon order is different too. Instead of separating the characters between Good and Evil, it just separates them by type (i.e. Crash + Coco, Cortex + Brio, Tiny + Kong, Dingodile + Rilla Roo).
Early HUD
(contributed by Mechabandicoot and Crashb648)The HUD used to be quite different and used Crash 3 icons and different fonts.
Pogo Pharaoh
(contributed by CBFan)- This looks like Pogo Painter, but with the Crystal Challenge background.
- The original HUD is used. The icons display the characters' paint color, which has the wrong order here.
- You can see Wumpa fruits lying around, but Pogo mini-games never have them since you don't get a health bar.
- The arrow shown in the right side of the arena is cyan instead of purple.
- Crash's paint color is green, but he's standing on a red square.
- All characters have pogo sticks, even the ones who normally use something else (such as N. Brio and his jet-pack).
Colorful Points
(contributed by R. Gin)As shown by the blue 13 in the middle, each character's color used to apply to their score.
Naughty Dog
(contributed by Ntropydude)An old NTSC-US demo disc of Crash Bash / Spyro: Year of The Dragon listed Naughty Dog as the developers of Crash Bash. This was just a mistake by the editor, as Naughty Dog was never affiliated with the production of this game in any way.
(contributed by Ntropydude and Hacc)This screenshot, scanned from the NTSC-U manual of the game, shows a save slot with 365% completion. The same slot only has 13 gold relics and no platinum ones at all, which would be short of the final version's maximum percentage, 200%. This was likely taken after using the cheat menu, which allows values to be modified at will.
Green Hovercrafts
(contributed by Crashb648 and CBFan)- The hovercrafts in these screenshots are green and somewhat different from the final version.
- The background in the second screenshot, which shows N. Ballism, is different.
- The ball limit for each character in N. Ballism is normally 20, but the second screenshot shows limits that go as high as 25.
Mine Pick-Up?
(contributed by Christopher Burke)On the bottom-left corner, there is a floating object not used in the final version. It might be an early version of the mine pick-up.
The Middle Prize
(contributed by Hacc)Instead of a gem in the middle, there is a relic.