Record Book

The Record Book was once an online leaderboard for Crash Bandicoot fans around the globe to submit their personal achievements. It was closed in July 2020 due to inactivity, but an archive of the records submitted until then can be seen here.

Crash Nitro Kart (handheld) | Relic Race


Level1st placeRecord
Inferno IslandCrashspyro1501'34''78
Jungle BoogieCrashspyro1501'29''96
Tiny TempleCrashspyro1501'16''78
Meteor GorgeCrashspyro1502'13''65
Barin RuinsCrashspyro1501'28''35
Deep Sea DrivingCrashspyro1502'05''75
Out of TimeCrashspyro1502'25''73
Clockwork WumpaCrashspyro1502'22''20
Thunder StruckCrashspyro1501'54''33
Assembly LaneCrashspyro1502'29''76
Android AlleyCrashspyro1501'40''93
Electron AvenueCrashspyro1501'58''70

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