Crash: Mind Over Mutant - Cheats - Achievements
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Regular Achievements
- Don't Recycle (25 points)
Collect all Junkyard voodoo dolls.
- Crunched (25 points)
Beat Crunch Boss Fight.
- Would You Like Fries With That? (10 points)
Score a 10x mojo multiplier via combat combos.
- The Dark Side (25 points)
Collect all Mount Grimly voodoo dolls.
- Duplex Crash (10 points)
Defeat 1 enemy in coop mode.
- T to the K (20 points)
Fully upgrade TK.
- Crash King (25 points)
Fully upgrade Crash.
- It Took Two To Tango (15 points)
Complete coop balancing puzzle in the Wasteland.
- Neo Is Getting Angry (50 points)
Beat Cortex Boss Fight.
- A Wumpa A Day (15 points)
Find a Crash health upgrade collectible.
- Roll It Up! (20 points)
Fully upgrade RhinoRoller.
- Night Fright (20 points)
Fully upgrade Grimly.
- Freezer Burn (25 points)
Collect all Ice voodoo dolls.
- N Is For Evil (25 points)
Collect all evil school voodoo dolls.
- Stand in the Sand (15 points)
Beat all 10 levels of arena minigame in Wasteland.
- P Stinking U! (20 points)
Fully Upgrade Stench.
- Shadow Boxing (20 points)
Defeat 75 Znu.
- Glass Is Half Full (50 points)
Complete 50% of the game.
- Multi-Tasking (5 points)
Store a Mutant while riding another one.
- No Place Like Wumpa (25 points)
Collect all Wumpa voodoo dolls.
- Hot Stuff (25 points)
Collect all Wasteland voodoo dolls.
- Follow Your Nose (25 points)
Stun 5 Sludges As Crash.
- Easy Does It (15 points)
Complete co-op balancing puzzle in Wumpa Island above the waterfall.
- Whack-A-Nerd (20 points)
Defeat 75 Ratnicians.
- Break Them To It Gently (25 points)
15x combo scored.
- Crash Grab (50 points)
Collect all Crash voodoo dolls
- A Combo to Go (35 points)
Defeat 50 enemies in co-op mode.
- Shoot the Works (20 points)
Fully upgrade Snipe.
- Over Easy (15 points)
Complete co-op balancing puzzle in Mount Grimly.
- Lark In The Dark (15 points)
Beat all 10 levels of arena minigame in Mount Grimly.
- Shell Shocked (20 points)
Fully upgrade Magmadon.
- Goo Squared (20 points)
Fully Upgrade Sludge.
- Fashion Fury (20 points)
Defeat 75 Brat Girls.
- Happy To See Me (5 points)
Store a Mutant in your pocket.
- Oo Oo Ah Ah (20 points)
Defeat 75 Doom Monkeys.
- Slap on the Wrist (20 points)
Destroy 75 Slap-E robo-hands.
- Can U Dig It? (5 points)
Enter an underground space.
- Girl Power (25 points)
Beat Coco Boss Fight.
- Big Shooter (35 points)
Fire a large projectile from the mask in coop mode.
- Chuck Is That You? (35 points)
Score a 20x mojo multiplier via combat combos.
- Spike the Punch (20 points)
Stun 5 Spikes as Crash.
- Snow Blows (15 points)
Beat all 10 levels of arena minigame in Ratcicle Kingdom.
- Ice On The Cake (20 points)
Fully upgrade Ratcicle.
- Stone Cold Crash (15 points)
Stun 5 Ratcicles as Crash.
Secret Achievements
- Kick in the Junkyard (15 points)
All junkyard arena minigame levels defeated.
- Cold Feat (10 points)
Two players Jack a Ratcicle at the same time.
- Rumble in the Jungle (15 points)
Beaten all 10 levels of arena minigame on Wumpa Island.
- Stick it to Them (20 points)
Fully upgraded Spike.