Crash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced - Screenshots
1. Island Intro
2. Prints of Persia
3. Lagoony Tunes
4. Globe Trottin'
5. Pharaoh's Funhouse
6. Runaway Rug
Evil Crunch
7. Tiki Torture
8. Hoppin' Coffins
9. Barrel Roll
10. Flockful of Seagulls
11. Magma Mania
Evil Coco
12. Run From the Sun
13. Now It's Istanbul
14. Mister Lava Lava
15. Water Logged
16. Slip-N-Slidin' Sphinx
Fake Crash
17. Rocks Can Roll
18. Rock the Casaba
19. Eruption Disruption
20. Spaced Out
21. King Too Uncommon
N. Trance
22. Wild Nile Ride
23. 101 Arabian Kites
24. Fire Walker
N. Tropy