Collectibles - LCD Handhelds
Before parents started giving smartphones to their newborn children, LCD handhelds with monochromatic screens were the next best thing if you wanted to play a Crash Bandicoot mini-game on the go.
99x Horror Handheld
(contributed by Crate Balls of Fire, Ruination and Dri)This handheld was produced by Tiger in 1998. For more information, please visit the game's dedicated page.
99x Horror Handheld 2
(contributed by Dri)Because one horror-themed handheld by Tiger was just one too few, there was actually a second attempt at giving Crash fans their portable Halloween fix. More info can be found in its dedicated page.
Manley Toy Quest
(contributed by Crashnconker, Nega, CrashRatchetFan, and Dri)These small arcade machines play like the classic Frogger game. Just guide Crash through a series of moving obstacles from the bottom of the screen to the top.
Thanks go to Dri for submitting the actual manual for this relic.

Quest Ruler Handheld
(contributed by Crashnconker and Nega)Another Frogger-type game by Quest (because we all know there weren't enough of those), this time presented on a flat handheld that also served as a ruler. The punches on the left allowed you to keep it in a file folder and play it during class. Who needs math anyway?
Racing Speedway
(contributed by Adrienne)A simple racing game. The handlebars are about 12 inches wide.
Arm Handheld
(contributed by Crashthebandicoot and Orange Baron)A handeld with a strap that you can place around your arm. One variant has Crash avoiding boulders and crossing a river by jumping on different rafts. There are 3 stages with increasing difficulty.
McDonald's Ugly Handhelds
(contributed by CB911, Tikous, and Dri)6 Happy Meal handhelds with an overall sloppy external appearance. The green one additionally doesn't work, because it's a bowling game (with Crash inside the Atlasphere acting as the ball), but it only has two buttons to move him left and right. Yes, they actually omitted the most important button, the one that's meant to launch Crash into the pins. I guess Quality Assurance only requires your game to turn on, not to actually be playable. But there's more...
A fan known as Dri, who collects all sorts of obscure Crash Bandicoot games, managed to acquire an odd version of this handheld that features the fabled shoot button. It's... located on top of the logo. I don't know the first thing about how these handhelds were made, but this looks unnatural and defective, as if the button just grew out of the console like a wart. I think this is because all the buttons are switched around, suggesting this is either a prototype or a modified console.
The red directional button is placed on top of the logo, and it acts as the shoot button here, while the blue directional button is on the right instead of on the left. Then you have a green circular button that's larger than the rest and lacks the arrow indent, suggesting that this is the one originally meant to be placed on top of the logo to shoot the ball (it's the only one missing in the regular version, after all). I'm not sure how these buttons got switched around like this, but I guess that's why the slot on the logo looks like it was carved with a knife, since the green button was supposed to be there instead. I like to think that some higher-up demanded the logo to be fully visible at the cost of making the game unplayable, because it makes the whole thing even more hilarious.
This is the only playable copy with a shoot button that's been found so far, so I might as well tell you what the game is supposed to be like. According to Dri, there are 5 rounds with 10 pins to knock down each. As in real bowling, you get two tries per round, and if you do a strike, you get a "SUPER" bonus. Once you beat the fifth round, the game ends and your score is shown. It's a lot like a spiritual precursor to the bowling mini-game from Crash Tag Team Racing, which just makes the whole thing feel even stranger somehow.

McDonald's Clamshell Case Handhelds
These were distributed with McDonald's Happy Meals, along with 4 Spyro Handhelds.