Collectibles - Toys & Figurines - 2016 - Present

Skylanders Figures
Skylanders Figures
Skylanders Figures

Skylanders Figures

Crash and Cortex appeared as playable characters in the game Skylanders Imaginators, the 2016 entry in Activision's toys-to-life franchise. Since every playable character in this franchise is locked behind a toy that also saves their current progress, Crash and Cortex both gained their own Skylanders figures.

The toys also unlock an exclusive level in the game based on Crash Bandicoot named Thumpin' Wumpa Islands, featuring familiar locations, characters, and mechanics. It was the first step towards the bandicoot's grand revival after the long hiatus that came after Crash Bandicoot Nitro Kart 2. Both toys were featured in two different packs.

The Crash Edition Starter Pack was exclusive to the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, and was released simultaneously with the game, which was also bundled in the pack itself. Here are its contents:

  • A copy of Skylanders Imaginators;
  • The Portal of Power (to place your figures on and play as different characters);
  • A Fire Imaginite Creation Crystal (for creating a custom character of your own in the game);
  • Crash Bandicoot figure;
  • Neo Cortex figure;
  • Golden Queen figure;
  • Master King Pen figure

The Thumpin' Wumpa Islands Adventure Pack was a simpler and cheaper alternative that contained only the Crash and Cortex figures, allowing players to unlock them and their level in other platforms more easily.

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