Crash: Mind Over Mutant - General Findings
Life Icon
This PSP screenshot shows an early life icon for Crash. For some reason, the icon has Crash's prototype model from Crash of the Titans.
- Before the game came out, the PSP version was supposed to have multiplayer face-offs just like the PSP version of Crash of the Titans. They're not present in the final version and neither are the areas in these screenshots, which suggest this mode would have had its own exclusive levels.
- The Ratnician in the first screenshot has the same model from Crash of the Titans.
Nighty Night
This PSP screenshot shows an unused area with lamp posts. It may have been another removed multiplayer area, but the lack of other players makes it difficult to tell.
Watch Your Head
(contributed by Ghakim)This is the shuttle loop from the section before the Evil Public School. Notice that it doesn't have an opening at the top, meaning that Crash clips right through it. The background is very different too.
(contributed by Samno1.CBFan)The Battlers in this cutscene are usually dark and have red, glowing eyes, much like every other Titans out to get you. There is also 1 additional bat in this screenshot that isn't there in the game.
Evil Rats
(contributed by Samno1.CBFan)In the final version, the Ratcicle from this scene doesn't get the evil smoke and red glowing eyes until he crosses over to the other side of the river.
Save Points
(contributed by Samno1.CBFan)- Save points used to be blue crystals instead of tiki statues.
- The Mojo in this area is lined up differently.
Wumpa Island
(contributed by Samno1.CBFan and Dragoncrashhero12)- Wumpa Island used to have the background from Crash of the Titans.
- There is some Mojo on top of the house, just like in Crash of the Titans.
(contributed by Samno1.CBFan)- Instead of a climbable wall next to the waterfall, there are two smaller waterfalls instead.
- The water was noticeably less detailed and didn't have reflections effects.
- The background used in Crash of the Titans is present again.
They're crrrrrates!
(contributed by Samno1.CBFan, InsaneStar and Pablo Barbará)- There are 5 wooden crates floating above the bounceable platform. Crates in the final version never actually float in the air like this.
- Though one of the new TNTs can be seen, there is also one from Crash of the Titans next to it.
- There's a hint obelisk from Crash of the Titans near the floating crates, but those don't appear in the game, as all hints are automatically displayed on the screen.
Brat Girls
The Brat Girls shown on the right have their old Crash of the Titans models instead of new ones.
White-Eyed Grimly
(contributed by InsaneStar)An enemy Grimly without the glowing red eyes.
Grimly in Advance
(contributed by Crashking)You can see that Crash's house is not yet covered in spikes due to one of the story events. Grimlies can only be found after that happens, but the player is already holding one in this picture.