Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Secrets

Orange Asphalt

As shown in the video above, by combining various cheat codes that make your kart go faster, you can go out of bounds in a specific spot in Dingo Canyon, where you'll be greeted by a compact recreation of Orange Asphalt from Crash Bandicoot: Warped. As with many other things in Nitro-Fueled (including a lot of Dingo Canyon itself), the assets are lifted straight from the N. Sane Trilogy. Interestingly, the cars on the road have their own collision, which are probably leftovers from the N. Sane Trilogy. The purpose of this hidden area isn't clear, since you can't see it through regular gameplay, but it's not a 1:1 leftover from Orange Asphalt either. Chances are the developers hid it there as an easter egg, and it was first discovered by the user TheRedhotbr.

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