Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Trivia

General Trivia

  • A couple of tentative titles for the game were Crash Team Racing Revved-Up and Crash Team Racing Revv'd Up.
  • Not counting the Stormy Ascent DLC for the N. Sane Trilogy (which wasn't free for several months), this is the first Crash Bandicoot game to feature in-app purchases.
  • A tie-in comic was produced by Beenox and released digitally on the same day as the game (read it here).
  • This game marks the first speaking appearances of Tawna, Isabella, Liz, Ami, Megumi, and Komodo Moe.


  • Scarface: In Hot Air Skyway, there are black and white pictures of Pinstripe Potoroo in the same style as the iconic theatrical poster for the movie Scarface.




Activision has partnered up with the sweets and snacks company Mondelēz International, Inc. Together, they produced 4 promotional in-game items in the form of a new kart set. From September 2019 to March 2020, purchasing select Mondelēz products and inputting the special codes they come with in Activision's web site will unlock these items in your game:

  • Cove Cruiser Kart Body + Tropical Swirl Decal
    TRIDENT VIBES (Tropical Beat)
  • Mint Burst Paint Job
    TRIDENT VIBES (Spearmint Rush / Peppermint Wave)
  • Gummy Grinder Wheels
    SOUR PATCH Kids (Original)
  • SOUR PATCH Kids Kart Sticker Pack
    SOUR PATCH Kids (Watermelon)

While this promotion is limited to US territories, the codes themselves aren't region-locked, meaning you can still unlock the items in other parts of the world if you can get your hands on the codes. Naturally, scalpers quickly became aware of this demand and have started selling codes for prices that would make even ol' Activision themselves blush.

Call of Duty Endowment - Firehawk
Call of Duty Endowment - Firehawk
Call of Duty Endowment - Firehawk

Call of Duty Endowment - Firehawk

This special "kart" was created as a joined effort with the Call of Duty Endowment, a cause that seeks to support and place US Veterans and UK Ex-Forces into high-quality civilian jobs. The item is being sold at $4.99 USD or £3.99 GBP on the game's digital store fronts, and 100% of the proceeds received by Activision will go directly to non-profits that support this cause. The Firehawk's availability is limited to the first $1 million USD, and while it's currently exclusive to US and UK territories, it's been confirmed that it will be making an appearance in other regions sometime in the future.

The Firehawk cannot be customized, as it's part of the Special Karts category. It features the Call of Duty Endowment logo on its sides, and being a plane, it's also the third hovering vehicle without wheels in the game, being released after Oxide's Hovership and the Probulot 2000. Needless to say, the Aviator Crash skin is a natural fit for it.

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