Crash: Mind Over Mutant - Cheats - Cheat Modes

To activate a cheat, pause the game and hold down the block button. Quickly press one of the following sequences to activate a cheat (press it again to deactivate it):

  • Shadow Crash: Left, Right, Left, Right
  • Big body parts (cycles through head, nose, ears, upper body, and feet): Left, Left, Left, Down
  • Freeze enemies by touching them: Down, Down, Down, Up
  • Wumpa fruit always comes out of enemies and objects: Right, Right, Right, Up
  • Purple fruit always comes out of enemies and objects: Up, Down, Down, Up
  • Shoe power-up always comes out of enemies and objects: Up, Down, Right, Left
  • Glove power-up always comes out of enemies and objects: Up, Up, Up, Left

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