Crash of the Titans (Game Boy Advance) - Information Mostrar Conteúdos [+] Esconder Conteúdos [-] InformationStoryOverviewScreenshots Title: Crash of the Titans Genre: Beat 'em up / 2D Platformer Platform: Game Boy Advance Release date: October 2007 Developer: Amaze Entertainment Publisher: Sierra Entertainment Artigos na N. CiclopédiaAku AkuArachninaBattlerBeaverCaixasCoco BandicootCortex's Ray GunCrash BandicootCrash's HouseCristaisCrunch BandicootDingodileDoom MonkeyDoominatorEe-lectricGemsGrizzly FrogLumber YardMojoN. GinN. Sanity IslandNeo CortexNina CortexRatcicleSnipeSpikeTiki MasksTiny TigerUka TreeUka UkaWumpa FruitWumpa Island